10 Positive Factor for Success of TPM

10 Successful Positive factor of TPM

1. Support from the top management is the most important and contributing factor to the success of TPM Implementation.

2. TPM, though technical in nature is a cultural movement, which necessitates good training at all levels of the organization. Lots of information about TPM and the new culture which should be imbibed into the minds of the employee is to be made available to all concerned. Creating awareness about this new culture is an important step towards getting all the employees tuned to the same frequency.

10 Positive Factor for Success of TPM

3. The top management should take care of the t the vision and mission statement of the organization should be relevant to this culture ad people-oriented. For example, one typical vision statement could be “ All the employees of this organization are our associate and are responsible for our success”. All the subsequent actions will, of course, have to be consistent with the vision statement.

4. The top management should change its old philosophy of authoritarian rule to “respect and administration for all “ policy. The job description of various posts should also reflect this culture.

5. A good preventive maintenance program is necessary for the success of TPM. This will provide the necessary information such as clear identification of equipment program, Performance of each machine. Chronic failure and problem of each machine.

6. Effective communication between machine and operator, Shift supervisor, maintenance employee and related managers are essential in order to know about the actual, excepted and describe the performance of equipment.

7. TPM coordinator or continuous improvement manager is the key person in the success of TPM implementation. He should possess good communication skills as he has to create a good image for the new philosophy. His mission is not only to brain the implementation teams, but also to train everyone else in the pant. He must become an expert in the philosophy of TPM and should be able to explain to anyone who can listen. He must develop the creative broadcasting of the progress.

8. Many companies fail in TPM implementation because they think the job of coordinator is a part tie hob and can be adjusted with his normal work, In fact like Total Quality Management, TPM Philosophy require constant dedication and training. A full-time person should be in charge of TPM coordination and he should b keep himself updated with information by attending at least one seminar on TPM per year. This exercise will give him an opportunity to exchange views with order TPM practitioners and can get many useful tips.

9. Once the initial training of the operator is done the equipment is handed over to the operator for routine maintenance, our task is not over. In fact, we must be aware that TPM has just begun for the particular equipment or system and his success is only one percent. The balance 99% success will depend on communication which the coordinator establishes with the operators. He must assure them that he is always there to listen to them and help, if necessary. The operator is an internal customer of the organization and must be treated like it. The first few weeks after the implementation of TPM are crucial and the improvement in the equipment and surroundings should be watched carefully. This follows up builds up a confidence level amongst the employee and their affinity towards the TPM program increases.

10. A deep passion for TPM and the philosophy underlying TPM is a must for the success of TPM. Dedicated employees, confident top management and the overall atmosphere of enthusiasm will certainly make TPM successful.

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