6 Tips for preventing colds and flu in winter

6 Tips for preventing colds and flu in winter

As winters approach in the northern hemisphere, so does flu and clod season Recent research has confirmed what everyone already knew…the chances of getting. The flu or catching a cold when the weather is cold is high. It thru-out that the virus (Germs) that causes the flu is more stable and stays in the air longer when the air is cold and dry. The flu virus is capable of causing the flu once you breathe it in cold and flu prevention.

6 Tips for preventing colds and flu in winter

Preventing the flu (influenza)

The right approach to eliminate getting the flu is to get vaccinated along with your vaccination at the right time or consult the doctor immediately, Following tips will help you healthy this flu season.

Tips for Colds & Flu

Wash your hands thoroughly with shop and worm water. Washing your hands
Often will help protect you from germs.

Control your stress level. Prolonged stress levels can affect your immune system to manage your stress, find a balance between work, exercise and personal time.

Get lots of rest. Make sure you are rested. Sleep deprivation may slow your ability to stay alert and make you vulnerable to the flu and other viruses.

Wear masks on your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Use a tissue to help prevent passing the germs to those around you.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. You can infect yourself by unknowing touching something the germs and touching your eye, nose or mouth.

Make sure to avoid contact with a person who is ill. You will also keep your distance from others if you are sick.

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