Tips for Password Protection

Tips for Password Protection :

Password Protection


1. Make your passwords at least 8 characters long (if the system permits it most do).

2.  Construct the password from alphanumeric characters rather than just alphabetic characters alone. This provides more possible combinations and is more secure.

3.  Do use upper and lowercase letters if the system allows them.

4.  Do use special characters like! or & or * or +.       This makes passwords much more difficult to break
5.    Change your password regularly.

6.    Change your password if you think it has become known by someone.

7.    Use the Lock Workstation (Ctrl + Alt + DELete - select Lock Workstation) feature when you leave your workstation.


1. Do not share a personal password or disclose it to other users (including secretaries).

Base passwords on:
2. Don’t use Month of the year or days of the week Family or pet names or initials
Telephone or car registration numbers Job names or titles

3. User ID, user name or any other system identifier.

4. Display your password on terminals, office whiteboards, etc.  Keep a paper record of your password

5. Alternate between passwords.

6. Include your password in any file or as part of any electronic message.

7. Retain default passwords, such as those supplied with the system, those assigned to you when your profile is first set up, or a reset password.

8. Use words you would find in a dictionary, either forwards or backward.

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