8- Pillar of TPM (P-1 5's)

8- Pillar of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)

PILLAR-1 - 5-S

The Japanese management believes that unless the work place is clean and organized, the efforts done to increase productivity in any direction will not be successful. The first step towards implementation of principles of TPM is therefor adoption of 5-s techniques to find out what exactly is wrong and where.

5-S actually a set of five Japanese words Seire, seiton seiketsu, Shitsuke . The English equivalent  word are Sort, Straightened,Sweep, Standardize and Self-Discipline. The Meaning and explanation of these terms are given below.

8-Pillar of TPM


This term indicate sorting of the various items in your work place in to various categories based on usefulness, and not on the cost. The sorting can be done as critical items, important items, frequently used, items not needed just now, items is not need at all etc. Such sorting helps in locating the most needed items in a short period saving valuable time of the worker at work. The item which are not needed can be removed from the workplace  to a safer place or can be scarped or salvaged to avoid the unnecessary clutter on the shop floor, in addition to saving time it also helps in safety of plant & workers.


The meaning of this word is to organize the work place in systematic way. The concept of ‘Every things at its own place’ is applied here. All item after use must be placed back to their original place. Racks are providing to keep tools, fixtures, Jigs, personal protective equipment’s, incomplete jobs, jobs competed etc. Tags, color code and label are used to identify item and items correct place in the racks. Light items are kept in the upper portion and heavy parts are kept the bottom position of racks. This exercise again help in identification and location of item required in no time. It also give an organized look to the shop.


The translation of this Japanese word into English is to sweep or to clean. The Workplace must be kept clean by sweeping the burrs, cotton waste, rags, oil, grease, scrap metal piece, other waste material etc. The leakage from machine pump oil drums, waterlines, process material line etc. should be stopped completely. Cleaner and dry shop floor gives a better look and avoids accidents. It also keep the worker in top mood which again is helpful in increasing productive.


This term means standardization of procedures .All the procedures of operation, inspecting the work place, cleaning of working place, sorting of items into usefulness categorized, marking workplace into various zones, rules of personal hygiene, use of formats for recording and reporting, movement of jobs on the floor of workplace, use of PPE (Personnel protective equipment) for various operation , disposal of scrap material etc should be standardize , written down and employed throughout the organization. This documentation avoids ambiguity and ensure adoption of procedure by one and all. These standard operating procedure along with visual inspection is the essence of this element of 5-S . It ensures an effective way of continuous improvement.


This element of 5-S advocate self-discipline amongst all workers and staff. It also means educating, training the employee to adopt 5-S as way of life and follow the work procedure, wearing same uniform and badges, following punctuality, dedication to organization etc. Since the human nature is always resisting change of any sort, this element of 5-S is most important to implement.  It reminds the employees to stick to 5-S and not return back to their old dirty habits. The 5-S should become the culture of organization and get into blood of employee lest they forget to practice 5-S.

Advantage of 5-S

  • The Work place being clean and neat, offers more space to work and move around which, increase a sense of comfort amongst employees.
  • It improve the productivity of employee and also the quantity of work
  • The work place being clear of unwanted item on the sop floor , the possibility of accident of less.
  • All things being in their reserved place less time is lost in find thing which means more time spent on work.
  • Due to standardization of procedure less chance of employees making errors and hence less rejection.
  • Since the rags, waste cotton is not laying on the floor m less chance  of accidental fire.
  • All these improvement in the productivity m quality and lessening of rejection and accidents encourage employees to spares the 5-S culture everywhere and lift the moral to a new high.
  • A sense of pride and ownership is instilled in the minds of employee

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