This exercise means improving all aspects of maintenance including spare parts, computerized maintenance management system, preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, maintenance tool, work order system, planned and scheduled maintenance and equipment histories.
Maintenance improvement must start with good management process. To make maintenance resource more productive require implementation of appropriate planning method, organisational structure, control system, material control techniques, information management system, and measurement and control techniques, so as to optimally manage and control the maintenance resource such as labor, material and capital. It must be remembered that maintenance alone cannot do it. Both production and maintenance must share the basic responsibilities which each should exercise in tandem with each other to get what they all want to achieve.
1 4. Training to improve skill everyone involved
One of the most important basic training need for TPM is design to help people involved understand what TPM is and why is do important for the equipment and business. Other training need include maintenance training, operations training, leadership training, root cause analysis training, reliability training etc. In fact training should address the basic need of the people and equipment targeted got TPM.
1 5. Life cycle equipment management and maintenance prevention design.
While designing of new equipment of effecting major modification in the existing equipment. Involvement of all those who are going to operate and maintain the equipment for next 5, 10, 15 year in this process is a must. They can give their valuable ideas to improve the design which will be easier to operate.
6. Winning with Teamwork focused on common goal.
Even the best equipment cannot perform consistently without focused on common g goal,. In This context of TPM team work center on the targeted equipment and then expands through all area using TPM to improve their performance.
All the six element put together into regular use in the plant to improvement equipment performance and reliability is the true meaning and application of TPM. Theses six principle are interrelated and all support one another, Very open TPM is mistaken for an operator doing the regular maintenance job or autonomous maintenance which is only one key principle of TPM>. Using only principle without t the other will not give the result. Which are ling lasting. In fact this key to success of TPM. Use all the key principle and focus on result.
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