How does the RICE method work? | RICE Management |

RICE Management

What is RICE Management?

RICE Management is a method of for four elements of treatment for small human injuries like a sprain in hand or Leg., In RICE Management R stands for  rest, I is stand for ice, C stands for compression, and E stands for elevation.  RICE management can consider as First Aid treatment rather than a cure for small human injuries.

Nemanclutore of RICE

  • Rest – Take Rest

  • Ice – Ice Rub

  • Compression –  Apply bandage with Pressure and fixed  

  • Elevation – Injured part rest up

Uses of RICE Management

1    1. Use in Body part fracture
2   2. Use in Body Part Sprain
3   3. The use of stretching of the muscle
4   4. Used to descend from bone joints

How does the rice method work?

Step -1 Give Relaxation the Injured part and victim too. Rest, steady and support the injured part comfortable position.
How does the RICE method work? RICE Management

Step-2 Soak the snow in damp clothes (Do not rub the snow directly on the wound)
How does the RICE method work? RICE Management

Step-3 In the first 24 hours,  20min rub ice in every two hours  (2 – 20- 24 )

Step-4 Next day (Next 24 Hours) 20min Rub ice in every four hours (4-20-24)

Step-5 Apply to bandage with pressure on the injured part and hold at least 2 hrs.

How does the RICE method work? RICE Management

Step-6 After 2 hours remove the bandage and again rub with ice.

Step-7 Keep  Injured the part on high at least 2 hours and let it rest.
How does the RICE method work? RICE Management

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