8- Pillar of TPM ( P-2 Autonomous Maintenance)

8- Pillar of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) - JH

PILLAR-2 - Jishu Hozen (Autonomous Maintenance)

“Autonomous Maintenance is the procedure by which gear administrator acknowledge and share responsibility.(with support) of the execution and soundness of the hardware's the process by which equipment operator accept and share responsibility.(with maintenance) of the performance and health of the equipment.

The driving concept of autonomous maintenance (AM) is the creation of expert equipment operator for the purpose of the protecting their own equipment. The major change in the thought process of operator desired is the “I run the equipment and maintenance maintains to “I own the performance of this equipment autonomous maintenance support equipment restoration and sustaining basic equipment condition.

JH-Autonomous Maintenance

Objective :

1. To facilitate uninterrupted operation of the plant and equipment.

2. To Cultivate operator ownership attitude amongst the operator through participation and technical knowledge.

3. Eliminating the defect a source through active participate of operator

4. Foster responsibility of equipment effectiveness on the operator the through education and training

It is the most essential eight pillars of TPM. If autonomous maintenance activities are insufficient, the excepted result will not material even is the other pillar of TPM are upheld

Autonomous Maintenance empowers equipment operator to become knowledgeable managers of their production activities who one able to

a. Detect sign of productivity loss

b. Discover indication of abnormalities

c. Act on those discoveries

According to Japanese philosophy following skill must be developed in the operator practicing autonomous maintenance

1. Ability to discover abnormalities

2. Ability to correct abnormalities and restore equipment functioning

3. Ability to set optimal equipment condition

4. Ability to maintain optimal condition

The Specific goal of Autonomous include the following:

1. Prevent equipment deterioration through correct operation and daily inspection.

2. Bring equipment to its deal state through restoration and proper management.

3. Establish the basic condition needed to keep equipment well maintained.

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