What is TPM - Total Productive Maintenance

Introduction of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)

The main problem with the organisation for many decades has been how to make correct choice between the first three maintenance policies for effective and economic maintenance functioning. This trend has led to development of Total Productive Maintenance.

The meaning of each word in TPM has a special meaning, which gives complete understanding of TPM.

T- Total = This shows participation in this program by each and every member of the organisation.

P-Productive = Maximization of production on the basis of zero defect, zero accident, zero breakdowns.

M-Maintenance = Management's commitment to make available the production equipment for maximum time with least maintenance cost.

TPM is concerned with fundamental rethinking of business process to achieve improvement cost, quality, speed etc.

TPM means achieve high level of productivity (Productivity means increase of production and reducing cost simultaneously) through total participation of all people inside the organisation and then developing self managing abilities in people and practices.

Concepts and Objective of TPM :

TPM is based on following concepts,

  • TPM activity focus on the elimination of all types of waste like man hours, raw material, power, tools etc
  • TPM based on zero loss concepts, namely , zero breakdowns, zero accidents, zero defects.
  • TPM aspires at achieving high reliability/Flexibility of equipment.
  • TPM emphasis the important of people, a "can do" continuous improvement philosophy and the importance of production and maintenance staff working together.
  • TPM aimed at maximizing equipment effectiveness through optimization of equipment availability, performance efficiency and production quality.
  • TPM involve everyone from top management down to shop floor worker and utilize teamwork to implement practical ideas for improvement.
  • TPM establish system to maintain equipment and production system for the life of equipment or process.
  • TPM advocate and nurture operator ownership of his equipment and workplace.
  • TPM cover all department which as planning the users and maintenance department. 
  • TPM promotes improvement maintenance through small group autonomous activities
  • TPM provides all employee with additional skill and knowledge.
Objective of TPM 

  • Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment
  • Producing good without reducing the product quality.
  • Reduce all cost
  • Produce a low batch quantity at the earliest possible time
  • Good sent to the customer s must be non-defective.

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