Benefits of TPM (Total Production Maintenance)

17 Benefits of TPM (Total Production Maintenance)

1. Better understanding of the performance of their equipment. (What they are achieving and what are the reasons for non achievement)

2. Better understanding of equipment critically and exactly where it is worth to deployed improvement efforts and potential benefits.

3. Improved teamwork and better coordination between production and maintenance.

4. Improved procedure for changeover and setups for carrying out frequent maintenance job, for better training of operator and maintenance.

5. General increase enthusiasm in the organization from involvement of the workforce.

6. Higher confidence level among the employee.

7. The work place is cleaner, safer and attractive to work

8. Higher goal achievement because of team work better surrounding and positive attitude.

9. A general feeling of ownership amongst the worker.

10. Horizontal development of new ideas, concept in all area organization.

11. Increase of productivity (due to fewer losses) and OPE Overall Plant efficiency.

12. Less customer complaints and quick rectification of customer complaints.

13. Reduction in manufacturing cost.

14. Overall quality improvement because of reduction in failures and following of improve method.

15. The cost are lower because of fewer loss and other non-value generating works is reduced.

16. The delivery times can be kept better as the production is without disturbance and can be planned easily hence 100% customers satisfaction

17. Highest motivation amongst the staff and worker because responsibility and right and delegated and better education to all.

Total Productive Maintenance

Calculation of OEE (Over all Equipment Effectiveness)                

To Implement TPM effectively, the efficiency performance measure must be introduced. OEE is the uniformly accepted performance measure used and is gaining acceptable worldwide.

OEE Comprise of three element namely availability of machine (A), Performance efficiency (PE), Quality rate

OEE = A x PE x Q


A = Availability of Machine, availability is the portion of the time is actually available out of total time is should be available.


Where MTBF -= Mean time between failure, MTTR – Mean time to repair

A= Total Running time / Number of Failure

PE – Performance efficiency. It is given by RE x SE, Where RE Is efficiency and SE, Speed efficiency.

Rate of Efficiency : Actual average cycle time is slower that design cycle time because of jams etc, Output is reduce because of jams.

Speed Efficiency : Actual cycle time which is slower than design cycle time . The machine output is reduce because it is running at reduced speed.

Quality rate: Which is percentage of good parts output of Produced. Sometimes it is also called yield.

For Example :

If Efficiency availability is 90%, Performance efficiency is 95% , Rate of quality is 99% Then OEE = 0.90 x 0.95 x 0.99 = 0.85.

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