8 Pillar of TPM ( P-4 Planned Maintenance)

Pillar- 3 Planned Maintenance

Introduction :

The objective of planned maintenance is to initiate preventive maintenance e and predictive maintenance for the plant and machine and also for tooling. The Role of the maintenance department is to render schedule maintenance in that pant so that the production is not restricted due to machine breakdowns, This is planned maintenance. The traditional mindset of workers ‘I run, you fix makes Is very difficult to completely eliminating the machine failure.

Planned Maintenance

When the MTBF(Men time before failure) times of various component of a machine are different , planned maintenance cannot be implemented effectively. Premature failure of a component make prediction of failure again difficult. This difficulty make the maintenance before failure impossible, Costs are also high because parts do not achieve their ’natural life cycle’. Only if the following instruction are strictly followed, it will be possible for individual part to achieve their ‘natural life cycle’.

  •  The machine must be correctly operate
  • The set up of the machine and the fixture must be correct
  • The machine must be regularly cleaned and all contaminants removed periodically
  • Correct and timely lubricant all part should be done
  • The various nut and bolts should be re tightened periodically
  • The Maintenance department should receive correct feedback of machine operation and minor repair done from time to time.
  • Correct maintenance technique should be followed during the repairing.
  • Use of the best quality spares should be done during replacement

As we can be easily seen, the maintenance department has little or no control over many of the items. The maintenance department cannot break the ‘vicious Circle’ of breakdown without the effective operator equipment maintenance program. Even if all the parts of equipment achieve their natural life cycle, different parts will have different life spans. This different in life span is cause by design weakness and hence designs improvement activities must be undertaken to increase the MTBF. These activity are strengthen of structure, reducing operational load, shield the control device from contamination, heat water, dirt etc.

Policy of planned maintenance

  • Improvement reliability and maintainability of the machine.
  • Achieve maximum availability of equipment to the production department.
  • Optimize the maintenance coasts
  • Reduce the inventory of spares

Goals of planned maintenance (for a typical plant)

  • Zero equipment failure and zero breakdown
  • Improvement of the reliability and maintainability of the equipment by at least 50%
  • Reduction of maintenance cost by at least 20%.
  • Ensuring the availability of spare all the times.
  • Steps to Implement planned maintenance
  • Evaluate all the equipment and prepare a record of present status
  • Restore all deteriorated equipment and remove the weakness in the present manufacturing system.
  • Start and build p equipment information management system
  • Preparation of time based information system on select equipment, parts, and members.
  • Prepare predicative maintenance system by introducing  equipment diagnostic techniques and map out plant.
  • Evaluate planned maintenance.

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