Introduction of Systematic Problem solving

Systematic Problem Solving Methods.

Problem Solving is actually a broader exercise within which one step deciding upon the Best Solution is decision making.

What is Problem ?

A Problem Implies

  1. Gap in Performance (means current situation and ideal situation)
  2. Repetitive failure occurs causing rework and rejection
  3. Loose your customers belief
  4. Negative comments on an activity from your superior.
  5. Bottleneck Operation/activity
  6. activity consuming excessive resources
  7. Activity which cause late working
Example of some of the common problems are :
  1. Overtime
  2. Equipment Breakdowns
  3. Rejection/Reworks
  4. Excessive consumption of resources
  5. customers complaints
  6. Higher labor turnover
  7. Delayed deliveries
  8. Low order booking 
  9. Stock out
  10. Low Productivity
  11. Frequent Equipment failure
  12. Repetitive Problems
  13. Accidents
  14. Excessive absenteeism
Classification of Problems:

Basically, Problems can be can classified in main two groups categories:
1. Problem of Maintenance 2. Problem of Improvements

Solving of Maintenance Problem :

Step- 1 Identify a Maintenance problem
Step-2 Collect data on Cause
Step-3 Problem Pareto Analysis
Step-4 Identify root cause(Ishikawa Diagram/Scatter Diagram)
Step-5 Alternatives & select(Brainstorming/NGT)
Step-6 Implement Best alternative
Step-7 Moniter effect
Step-8 Find your Problem Resolve 
If Yes then End, and If No Follow From Step-5

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